Año 1500
Damiano on chess (italian) 1521
Ruy Lopez Givocodegli scacchi (Italian) Venezia 1584
Año 1700
Allgaier Neue theoretisch praktische Anweisung zum Schachspiel 1795 Vol 1
Allgaier Neue theoretisch praktische anweisung zum Schachspiel 1796 Vol 2
Greco - Le jeu des eschets 1713
Greco - Le jeu des eschets 1714
Philidor 1750 Chess Analysed Or Instructions by whi
Philidor 1752 L analyse des Echecs
Philidor 1754 Philidor Stamma Die Kunst im Schachspiel ein Meister zu Werden
Philidor 1777 Analyse du jeu des Echecs nouvelle edition
Philidor 1777 Analyse du jeu des Echecs
Philidor 1779 Philidor Praktische Anweisung zum Schachspiel
Philidor 1790 Analysis of the Game of Chess
Philidor 1797 Philidor Praktische Anweisung zum Schach
Ponziani 1769 Il giuoco incomparabile degli scacchi sviluppato con nuovo metodo
PONZIANI 1782 Il giuoco incomparabile degli scacchi sviluppato con nuovo metodo
Pratt - The theory of chess 1799
Año 1800
Carpeta 1
1829 The Games of the Match at Chess Played Between London and Edinburgh 1829
1829 Lewis - Remarks on the report of the committee on the correspondence chess games between London and Edinburg 1829
1851 London Partierne fra den almindelige Schachtour
1851 London The Chess Tournament London 1851 2nd edition 1873
1851 London The Chess Tournament london 1851 first edition 1852
1857 New York Fiske The book of the first American chess congress
1857 New York The Book of the First American Chess Congress
1862 London Dufresne Das Londoner schachturnier von 1862
1862 London Das Londoner Schachturnier von 1862
1862 London Lowenthal A collection of the games played
1862 London Suhle Der schachcongresse zu London im jahre 1862
1862 The chess congress of 1862 a collection
1867 Paris Congres international des echecs 1868
1867 Paris Congr s international des checs
1867 Paris Le jeu des echecs
1871 Crefeld Der neunte Rheinische Schachcongress 1871
1873 Wien Der erste Wiener internationale schachcongrss 1873
1876 London Chess Match Between Steinitz Blackburne
1876 Philadelphia centennial grand international chess tournament
1877 Leipzig Der Schachkongress zu Leipzig im Juli 1877
1878 Livorno Secondo congresso e torneo scacchistico
1878 Paris Der internationale Schachkongress zu Paris
1880 New York The Fifth American Chess Congress
1881 Milano Terzo Torneo Nazionale Italiano di scacci
1885 Hamburg Kongress Hamburg 1885
Carpeta 2
1886 Roma Il quinto torneo scacchistico italiano
1886 USA Der Entscheidungskampf zwischen w Steinitz und Zukertort
1888 Bradford The Bradford Tournament
1889 Amsterdam Breslau A Selection of Games from the International chess tournaments
1889 Breslau Kongress deutsche schachbund 1890
1889 Breslau Kongress deutsche schachbund 1890 2
1889 New York Steinitz The book of the Sixth American Chess Congress (I)
1889 New York Steinitz The book of the Sixth American Chess Congress (II)
1890 1891 New York Havanna The Games of Gunsberg s Chess Matches
1890 Manchester A Selection of Games from the International Chess Tournament
1890 Maqnchester A Selection of Games from the International Chess Tournament
1894 Havanna Bird The Steinitz Lasker Match
1894 Havanna Cunningham ea The Games in the Steinitz Lasker Championship 1894
1895 1896 St Peterburg Mason Pollock-The games in the St Petersburg tournament 1895-96
1895 Hastings Das internationale Schachturnier zu Hastings 1895
1895 Hastings The Hastings Chess Tournament 1895
1898 Vienna Internationales Kaiser jubil ums schach
1899 Amsterdam Internationale schaakwedstrijd te Amsterdam
1899 London The book of the London international chess congress 1899 (I)
1899 London The book of the London international chess congress 1899 (II)
Albin Adolf Schach aphorismen und Reminiscenzen 1899
Alexandre Aaron Praktische Sammlung bester und h chst i 1848
Allen 1863 The Life of Philidor Musician and Chessplayer
Allgaier s Neue theoretisch praktische Anweisung zum Schachspiele Wien 1841
Allgaier s Neue theoretisch pratische Anweisung zum Schachspiel Wien 1834
American Chess monthly 1860 Vol 4
Carpeta 3
American chess magazine 1897 1898 Vol 1
American Chess Magazine 1898 (I)
American chess magazine 1898 (II)
American chess magazine 1898 1899 Vol 2
American Chess Magazine 1898
American Chess monthly Vol 3 1859
Anderssen Aufgaben fuer schachspieler nebst ihren 1842
Anderssen Aufgaben fuer schachspieler nebst ihren 1852 (II)
Anderssen Aufgaben fuer schachspieler nebst ihren 1852
Beadle s dime chess instructor1860
Ben-oni oder die Vertheidigung gegen Gambitzuge im Schach 1825
Bendix Recueil de parties d checs 1824
Berger Theorie und praxis der endspiele 1890
Bilguer Handbuch des Schachspiels 1852
Bilguer Handbuch des Schachspiels 1858
Bilguer Handbuch des Schachspiels 1880
Bilguer Handbuch des Schachspiels 1891 (I)
Bilguer Handbuch des Schachspiels 1891 (II)
Bilguer Handbuch des Schachspiels-7-1889
Bird Chess history and reminiscences 18xx
Bird - Chess practice 1882
Bird - Chess practice 1892
Bird - The Chess Openings 1877
Bird - The chess openings considered critically 1877
Bird - The chess openings considered critically1877
Bird Chess practice 1882
Blackburne Mr Blackburne s Games at Chess 1899
Bodding Drie honderd keurige schaak problema s 1849
Brooklyn Chess Chronicle 1886
Brooklyn Chess Chronicle Vol 2 1883-1884
Carpeta 4
Chess Player 1851 1852 II
Chess Player 1851 1852
Chess Player 1852 Vol 1
Chess Player s Chronicle 1841 1
Chess Player s Chronicle 1841 2
Chess player s chronicle 1841 3
Chess Player s Chronicle 1841 4
Chess Player s chronicle 1841 Vol 1 1
Chess Player s Chronicle 1841 Vol 1 2
Chess Player s chronicle 1841 Vol 2 1
Chess Player s Chronicle 1841 Vol 2 2
Chess player s chronicle 1842 Vol 3 (1)
Chess Player s Chronicle 1843 Vol 3 (2)
Chess Player s Chronicle 1843 Vol 4
Chess player s chronicle 1845 Vol 5
Chess player s chronicle 1846 Vol 6
Chess player s chronicle 1846 Vol 7 (1)
Chess Player s Chronicle 1846 Vol 7 (2)
Chess Player s Chronicle 1847 Vol 8 (1)
Chess player s chronicle 1847 Vol 8 (2)
Chess player s chronicle 1848 Vol 9 (1)
Chess Player s Chronicle 1848 Vol 9 (2)
Chess player s chronicle 1849 Vol 10
Chess player s chronicle 1850 Vol 11
Chess Player s Chronicle 1852 Vol 13
Chess Player s Chronicle 1853 Vol 14
Chess Player s Chronicle 1854 Vol 15
Carpeta 5
Chess Player s Chronicle 1855 Vol 16
Chess Player s Chronicle 1856 Vol 17 (1)
Chess player s chronicle 1856 Vol 17 (2)
Chess Player s Chronicle 1859
Chess player s chronicle 1860 Vol 18 and 19
Chess Player s Chronicle 1861 Vol 19
Chess Player s Chronicle 1861
Chess player s chronicle 1862 Vol 20 and 21
Chess Player s Chronicle 1862 Vol 20
Chess player s chronicle 1870 1871
Chess player s chronicle 1872
Chess Player s Chronicle 1877 Vol 1
Chess Player s Chronicle 1877
Chess player s chronicle 1878
Chess Player s Chronicle 1882 Vol 6
Chess Player s Chronicle 1882
Carpeta 6
Collijn Larobok i schack 1898
Columbia Chess Chronicle 1889 Vol 5
Cook Henry Gilberg American chess nuts 1868 (II)
Cook Henry Gilberg American chess nuts 1868 (III)
Cook Henry Gilberg American chess nuts 1868
de Riviere Manuel du jeu des echecs 1861
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1897 1898
Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung 1889 Vol 5
Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung 1890 Vol 6
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1864
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1865 1866
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1889 1890
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1891 1892
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1893 1894
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1895 1896
Dubois Le principali aperture del giuoco di scacci 1868
Dufresne Examples of Chess Master play Second Series 1894
Dufresne Example of Chess Master play First series 1893
Dufresne Philidoria 1874
Dufresne Schachturnierbuch 1884
Dufresne Theoretisch praktisches Handbuch des Schachs 1869
Dufresne Zukertort Grosses Schach handbuch 18xx
Dufresne Tschigorin Tarrasch Rukovodstvo k izuchen i u shakhmat (Russian)1897
Ellis Short and bright games of chess 1895
Festschrift zur feier des zehnj hrigen Muenchner Schachclub 1896
Fifty Chessgames played by the Automaton Chessplayer inLondon in 1820
Carpeta 7
Fraser - A selection of 200 games of chess 1896
Fraser - A selection of 200 games of chess by correspondence 1896
Freeborough and Ranken Chess openings ancient and modern 1896
Freeborough Select chess end games from actual play 1895
Frère Morphys games of chess 1859
Guida elementare per apprendere il giuoc 1889
Harrwitz Lehrbuch des Schachspiels 1862
Harrwitz Lehrbuch des schachspiels 1862
Heyde Die franzoesische Partie 1891
Hirschbach Handbuch der Schachspielkunst 1865
Hoffmann Beitraege zum schachspiel 1833
Hoffmann Beiträge zum Schachspiel 1833
J. Loewenthal - Morphy s Games - Selection of the Best Game~1860
Jacobus de Cessolis Caxton´s The game of chesse 1862
Jaenisch Analyse nouvelle des ouvertures du jeu d echecs Vol 2 1843
Jaenisch Analyse nouvelle des ouvertures du jeu déchecs Vol 1 1842
Jourdoun Recueil de problemes dedie aux amateurs 1860
Kling The chess Euclid 1849
Kling-Horwitz - Chess studies 1851
Kling-Horwitz - Chess studies or endings of games 1851
Koch Die Schachspielkunst nach den Regeln und Musterspiele Philidor Greco Stamma 1801
Koch - Codex der schachspielkunst 1815
Koch - Die Schachspielkunst 1801
Carpeta 8
Lange Kritik der eroeffnungen 1857
Lange Kritik der eroeffnungen 1855
Lange Max Handbuch der Schachufgaben1862
Lasa von der Die Schachpartieen und Endspiele des Portugiesen Damiano 1857
Lasa von der Berliner Schach erinnerungen 1859
La Regence Vol 3 1851
La Regence 1850 Vol 2
La Regence 1851 Vol 3
La Regence 1851
La Regence 1856
La Strategie 1867 Vol 1
La Strategie 1868 Vol 2
Lewis A Treatise on the Game of Chess 1844
Lowenthal Morphys games of chess 1898
Lowenthal Schach Problem Turnierbuch 1857
L Èchiquier d Aix 1878 Vol 1
L Èchiquier d Aix 1879 Vol 2
L Èchiquier d Aix 1880 Vol 3
L Èchiquier d Aix 1881 Vol 4
L Èchiquier d Aix 1882 Vol 5
L Èchiquier d Aix 1883 Vol 6
L Èchiquier d Aix 1884 Vol 7
Marache s Manual of Chess 1866
Mason James Chess Openings 1897
Mason The art of chess 1895
Mauvillon - Die waehrend der jahre 1824 bis 1828 von 1829 zwischen London und Edinburgh
Carpeta 9
Mauvillon Anweisung zur Erlernung des Schach Spiel 1827
Mauvillon Handleiding tot het leeren van het schaakspel 1828 Vol1
Mauvillon Handleiding tot het leeren van het schaakspel 1830 Vol 2
Meier Der Schachkampf in Paris im November und 1844
Meyer A complete guide to the game of chess 1882
New York State Chess Association 1891
Nordisk skaktidende 1873
Nordisk skaktidende 1874-1875
Nordisk skaktidende 1876-1877
Nordisk skaktidende 1878-1879
Nordisk skaktidende 1880-1881
Nordisk skaktidende 1881
Nouvelle regence 1860 Vol 1
Nouvelle regence 1861 Vol 2
Nouvelle regence 1863 Vol 4
Nuova rivista degli scacchi 1891 1892 Vol 16 17
Oesterreichische lesehalle 1881 Vol 1
Oesterreichische lesehalle 1883 Vol 3
Oesterreichische lesehalle 1884 Vol 4
Oesterreichische lesehalle 1887 Vol 7
Oesterreichische lesehalle 1888 Vol 8
Oesterreichische lesehalle 1889 Vol 9
Oesterreichische lesehalle 1890 Vol 10
Carpeta 10
Palamede 1836 Palamede
Palamede 1837 Palamede
Palamede 1838 Palamede
Palamede 1842 Palamede
Palamede 1846 Palamede
Palamede 1847 Palamede
Palamede II-1 1841
Palamede II-2 1842
Palamede II-7 1847
Philidor 1804 An introduction to the history and study of chess
Philidor 1805 The Elements of Chess
Philidor 1819 De kunst van schaakspelspeelen
Philidor 1820 Analyse du jeu des Echecs
Philidor 1820 An Easy Introduction to the Game of Chess
Philidor 1823 Nouvelle notation des parties et coups d
Philidor 1846 Philidor Analisis del juego de ajedrez
Philidor 1850 Philidor Analyse du jeu des échecs
Philidor 1868 Philidor (ed Sanson) Analyse du jeu des échecs
PONZIANI 1837 Le cinque aperture del giuoco degli scacchi
Pravila shakhmatno igry mezhdu dvumi (russian)1875
Reichelm Chess in Philadelphia 1898
Roegner Vademecum der Kombinations Praxis 1889
Roegner Vademecum der Kombinations Praxis 1889 2
Rowland Pollock Memories 1899
Sarrat The works of Damiano Ruy Lopez and Salvio 1813
Schachzeitung 1860 Vol 15
Carpeta 11
Sissa 1850
Sissa 1851 Vol 5
Sissa 1853
Sissa 1854 Vol 8
Sissa 1857
Sissa 1859
Sissa 1860
Sissa 1864
Six Practical Chess Openings 1893
Souvenir of the Bristol Chess Club 1843
Stamma Proeven van het schaak spel 1837
Stamma Versuch ueber das schachspiel 1812
Staunton and Warmold The Laws and Practice of Chess 1876
Staunton and Green The Chess player s Handbook 1890
Staunton and Green The Chess player s Handbook 1897
Staunton Chess Praxis 1871
Staunton Chess Praxis 1876
Staunton Howard Chess Praxis 1860
Staunton Howard Chess Praxis 1886
Staunton The Chess player s Companion 1849
Staunton The Chess player s Companion 1879
Staunton The Chess player s Companion 1889
Staunton The Chess player s Handbook 1890
Steinitz The international chess magazine Vol 07 1891
Carpeta 12
Taylor - Chess brilliants one hundred games exa 1869
The Australian chess annual 1986 Vol 1
The British chess magazine 1882 Vol 2
The British chess magazine 1883
The British chess magazine 1885 Vol 5
The British chess magazine 1886 Vol 6
The British chess magazine 1887 Vol 7
The British chess magazine 1888 1889 Vol 8 and 9
The British chess magazine 1888 1889
The British chess magazine 1892 Vol 12
The British chess magazine 1893
The British chess magazine 1895 Vol 15
The British chess magazine 1896 Vol 16
The British chess magazine 1897 Vol 17
The British Chess Magazine 1898 Vol 18
The British Chess Magazine 1899 Vol 19
The Chess Journal 1876-1877
The Chess Journal 1876-1877 2
The Chess monthly 1881 1882 Vol 3
The Chess monthly 1884 1885 Vol 6
The Chess monthly 1885 Vol 6
The Chess monthly 1886 1887 Vol 8
The Chess monthly 1887 1888 Vol 9
Carpeta 13
The Chess players quarterly chronicle 1870 1871 Vol 2
The Chess players quarterly chronicle 1874 Vol 4
The Chess Player s Chronicle 1872 1873 Vol 3
The Chess player s chronicle 1874 Vol 1
The Chess Player s Chronicle 1877 Vol 1
The Chess player s chronicle 1878 Vol 2
The Chess Player s Chronicle 1879 Vol 3
The Chess player s chronicle 1880 Vol 4
The Chess player s chronicle 1881
The Chess Player s Chronicle 1882 Vol 6
The Chess player s chronicle 1884 1885 Vol 8
The Chess player s chronicle 1885 1886 Vol 9
The chess player s chronicle 1889
The Chess Player s Magazine 1863 Vol 1
The Chess Player s Magazine 1864 Vol 2
The Chess player s magazine 1866
The Chess world 1867 Vol 2
The Chess world 1869 Vol 4
The City of London chess magazine 1875
The Games of Steinitz and Tchigorin 1892
The New Zealand chess chronicle 1887 Vol 1
Carpeta 14
Van der Linde Beginselen van het schaakspel 1876
Van der Linde Geschichte und Litteratur des Schachspiels 1874 Teil 1 (Michigan)
Van der Linde Geschichte und Litteratur des Schachspiels 1874 Teil 2 (Harvard)
Van der Linde Geschichte und Litteratur des Schachspiels 1874 Teil 2 (Michigan)
Van der Linde Quellenstudien zur geschichte des schachspiels 1881 (Harvard)
Van der Linde Quellenstudien zur Geschichte des Schachspiels 1881 (Michigan)
Van der Linde Quellenstudien zur Geschichte des Schachspiels 1881 (Oxford)
Von der Lasa Leitfaden fuer Schachspieler 1848
Von der Lasa Leitfaden fuer Schachspieler 1880
Von der Lasa v Bardeleben Mieses Lehrbuch des Schachspiels 1894
Waigger Das Schachspiel in seinem ganzem Umfange 1837
Walker - The Philidorian ed by G Walker 1838
Walker 1835 A Selection of Games at Chess Actually played by Philidor
Walker Anweisung zum Schachspielen 1833
Walker A Selection of Games at Chess Actually 1835
Walker A Selection of Games at Chess Actually played by Philidor 1835
Walker Chess studies comprising 1000 games 1893
Walker Chess studies comprising one thousand games 1844 (I)
Walker Chess studies comprising one thousand games 1844 (II)
Walker George The Philidorian 1831
Walker The chessplayer 1841
Carpeta 15
Westminster papers 1871 Vol 3
Westminster papers 1872 Vol 4
Westminster papers 1873 Vol 5
Westminster papers 1874 Vol 6
Westminster papers 1875 Vol 7
Westminster papers 1876 Vol 8
Westminster papers 1877 Vol 9
Westminster papers 1878 Vol 10
Westminster Papers 1879 Vol 11
Wiener Schachzeitung 1898 Vol 1
Wiener Schachzeitung 1899 Vol 2
Wormald Chess openings 1875
Wormald The chess openings 1864
Año 1900
Carpeta 1
1903 Monte Carlo The Monte Carlo tournament of 1903
1903 Wien Das internationale Gambitturnier
1904 Cambridge Springs - American Chess Bulletin 1904 Vol 1
1907 Karlsbad Das internationale Schachmeisterturnier
1907 Ostende Taarasch - Das Champion Turnier zu Ostende im Jahre 1907
1908 Germany Der Schachwettkampf Lasker tarrasch um d
1908 Lasker Hoffer The chamiponship Match Lasker Tarrasch
1908 The Championship Match 1908
1908 Vienna Internationales schach turnier Wien 1908
1909 St Peterburg Lasker The International Chess Congress St Peterburg
1911 San Sebastian Mieses tournois déchecs
Alekhine s Last Years and Nazi Collaboration Chess dec 1944 jan 1945
American chess bulletin 1907 Vol 4
American chess bulletin 1908 Vol 5
Carpeta 2
American Chess Bulletin 1915
American Chess Bulletin 1919
American chess bulletin 1920 Vol 17
American chess bulletin 1921 Vol 18
Bachmann Schachmeister Pillsbury 1908
Bekwaame handleiding tot het edele schaakspel1932
Blumenthal Schachminiaturen 1902
Blumenthal Schachminiaturen 1903 (II)
Blumenthal Schachminiaturen 1903
Capablanca Chessfundamentals 1934
Collijn Laerobok i schack I 1903
Collijn Laerobok i schack II 1906
Cook The chess players compendium 1907
Cunnington - Selected chess endings 1903
Carpeta 3
Chess weekly 1908 Vol 2
Cunnington Selected Chess Endings 1903
Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung 1902 Vol 18
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1899 1900
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1901 1902
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1903 1904
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1905 1906
Devide A Memorial to William Steinitz 1901
Dufresne Mieses Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels 1910
Evetzky - 125 shakhmatnykh zadach g.1908 (Russian)
Gossip Modern chess brilliancies1938
Gunsberg The chess openings 1901
Hoffmann The games of Greco 1900
Kohtz Kockelkorn - Das Indische Problem 1903
Carpeta 4
Lasker Common sense in chess 1910
Lasker s Chess Magazine Vol 2 1905
Lee Gossip The complete chess guide 1907
Marshall Frank Chess Openings 1904
Mason James Social chess a collection of games 1900
Mason James The Art of Chess 1905
Mason James The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice 1902
Moffatt Memorable Chess Games 1913
Nederlandsche schaakproblemen 1907
Carpeta 5
Riga Match and Correspondence Games 1916
Staunton e.a. The American Chess Player s Handbook 1921
The British Chess Magazine 1901 Vol 21
The British Chess Magazine 1902 Vol 22
The British Chess Magazine 1903 Vol 23
The British Chess Magazine 1905 Vol 25
The Chess Digest 1901 Vol 1
The Chess Digest 1905 Vol 4 Prt 1
The Chess Digest 1905 Vol 4 Prt 2
White Knights and bishops 1909 (I)
Carpeta 6
White Knights and bishops 1909 (II)
White Knights and bishops 1909 (III)
White Les mille et un mats inverses Probl me 1907 Vol 1
White Roi acculee aux angles 1905
Wiener Schachzeitung 1900
Wiener Schachzeitung 1901
Wiener Schachzeitung 1902
Wiener Schachzeitung 1903
Wiener Schachzeitung 1904
Wiener Schachzeitung 1905
Wiener Schachzeitung 1907
Znosko-Borovsky The middlegame in chess 1930
Zukertort Dufresne Neuester Leitfaden des Schachspiels 1938
12 comentarios:
Te quiero hacer un pedido muy especial, ¿Podrías conseguir Fritz & Chesster 3? Es el más avanzado de los 3 y perfecto para mi hijo que ya dejó los otros dos, además que le sirve para que practique su inglés, si lo haces te agradecería infinitamente.
Muchisimas gracias amigaso chessmaster, te dejo un gran abrazo, cuidate, que andes bien.
Maty de Argentina
¡Estupenda!... lo que faltaba... ¡La biblioteca completa!
Desde hace algun tiempo he venido siguiendo este blog por diversas razones; naturalmente la primera de ellas es que tambien juego ajedrez; la segunda es que me gusta saber de la historia de este juego y, la tercera razon, progresivamente he ido descubriendo la inmensa cantidad de informacion que divulgas en este sitio, toda de gran calidad. Sin embargo, no ha sido sino hasta ahora que estoy completamente obligado a darte las gracias por este novedoso y especial aporte. Quiero reconocer tu extraordinaria generosidad con todos aquellos que compartimos este juego ¡ M u c h a s g r a c i a s !
Inmensa tu generosidad chessmaster, Muchas gracias
Primero ante todo un caluroso abrazo a todos aqui por favor amigos quien podra tener los ultimos pack de edami la defensa francesa variante rustemov y la siciliana invertida un saludo a todos y gracias
Um forte abraço do Brasil!
Ola, what's up amigos? :)
Hope to get any assistance from you if I will have some quesitons.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)
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