1943 1989 Fine R. - The Ideas Behind The Chess Openings
1947 Golombek H. - J. R. Capablanca - 75 seiner schoensten Partien
1951 2000 Purdy C. - Action Chess - Purdy s 24 Hours Opening Repertoire
1984 1996 Watson J. - Play The French
1987 Schiller E. - Sicilian - Classical Richter-Rauzer
1988 Evans L. Smith K. - An unbeatable white repertoire after 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3
Colección 2
1992 Glatman V. - Akiba Rubinstein s chess academy
1992 Solovyov S. - Bobby Fischer 1 - 1955-1960 2
1992 Solovyov S. - Bobby Fischer 2 - 1961-1967 2
1993 1995 Landsberger K. - William Steinitz Chess Champion
1993 Soltis A. - Beating the French Defense with the Advance Variation
1996 Pickard S. - The Chess Games of Adolph Anderssen
1997 Charuchin V. - Chess Comet Charousek
1997 Lane G. - The Grand Prix Attack
1997 Mayer S. - Bishop versus Knight The Verdict
1997 Tomcs nyi P. - The Ponziani Opening
1998 Burgess G. - 101 Chess Openings Surprises
1998 Nunn J. - Secrets of Practical Chess
1998 Solovyov S. - Emanuel Lasker 1 - Games 1889-1903
1998 Solovyov S. - Emanuel Lasker 2 - Games 1904-1940
1999 Berliner H. - The System
1999 Bronshteyn D. Neat K. - Bronshteyn on the King s Indian
Colección 3
(1997) Shirov, A. - Fire on board
(2006-12) Teach Yourself VISUALLY Chess
2001 Dunnington A. - Attacking with 1 d4
2001 Pedersen S. - The Main Line French - 3 Nc3
2002 Aagaard J Lund E. - Meeting 1 d4
2003 Palliser R. - Play 1 d4 2004 Davies N. - The Dynamic
Colección 4
Aagaard Jacob - Excelling at Positional Chess 2004
Aaron Claire Summerscale - Interview with a GrandMaster
Abrahams - Technique in Chess
Abramov - Chess Move by Move
Adriaan D. de Groot - Thought and Choice in Chess 2nd ed. 1978
AIC Forum Chess Magacine - Feb 2001
AIC Forum Chess Magacine - Jan 2001
AIC Forum Chess Magacine - Mar 2001
Alburt, L. & Chernin, A. - Pirc Alert!
Alburt - Chess Training Pocket Book - 300 Most Important Positions Ideas
Alburt - Comprehensive Chess Course - Vol.2
Alburt - Comprehensive Chess Course - Vol 1
Alburt Dzindzichashvili Perelshteyn - Chess Openings for White Explained
Alburt Lev et all - Chess Openings for Black Explained - 2005
Alexander - The Penguin Book of Chess Positions
Alexander Beliavsky Adrian Mikhalchishin - The Two Knights Defence
Alexander Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4 Book 3 2004
Alexander Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4 Book 4 2005
Al Horowitz - New Traps in the Chess Opening
Andrew Martin - Classical King's Indian
Angus Dunnington - Attacking with 1.d4
Angus Dunnington - The Ultimate King s Indian Attack
Anvi Amatzia-surprice in chess
Art of Attack In Chess
Averbakh Y. Checkover V.- - CCE - Bishop Knight Endings - 1983
Averbakh Y Checkover V. - CCE Vol. 4 - Pawn Endings - 1983
Colección 5
Baker, Chris - Learn From Your Chess Mistakes.
BARBURIN - Winning Pawn Structures
Basic Endgame Strategy - Queens and Rooks
Beliavsky Mikhalchishin-secrets ofchess intuition
Benoni Systems A. Raetsky M. Chetverik
Blockade - Aron Nimzowitsch
Bouwmeester H - Winning chess combinations 1977
Burgess Graham-The Taimanov Sicilian
Burgess Graham - Mammoth Book of Greatest Chess Games - 1998
Cafferty Bernard - Tal s 100 Best Games 1961-1973 - 1975
Can You Be a Positional Chess Genius
Carsten Hansen - Improve your positional chess scanned by Dendix
Cartier R Hall S - Modern King s Indian Attack 1996
Chernev Irving - The 1000 Best Short Games of Chess
Chess-Kopec Danny - Mastering the Sicilian
ChessZone Magazine, 10 (2006)
Chess Bernard Cafferty - PepeNervos - Tals 100 Best Games 1961-1973
Chess Ebook - Kasparov - The Test Of Time
Chess Ebook Tim Harding - Better Chess For Average Players
Chess Master Secrets Vol1
Chris Ward - Sicilian Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
Cluley William - The Philosophy of Chess 1857
Collins Sam - An Attacking Repertoire For White
Cook William - The Chess Primer - 1880
Cox John - Starting Out 1d4 - 2006
Chess ebook - Aagaard Jacob - Starting Out - The Grunfeld
Chess ebook - Master Class - Typical Mistakes - Neil McDonaldChess Plaskett J - Sicilian Grand Prix Attack
Colección 6
D.N.L. Levy - Sacrifices in the Sicilian.
Daniel King - How Good Is Your Chess (PDF)
Daniel King - How to Win at Chess - 10 Golden Rules to Follow
David LeMoir-Essential Chess Sacrifices
David LeMoir - How to Become a Deadly Chess Tactician
Dutch Defence Leningrad System (pp. 67-73)
Dvoretsky Yusupov - Opening.Preparation
Easy Guide to the Najdorf - T Kosten
Easy Guide to the Ruy Lopez - J Emms
Ebook chess Uhlmann Winning With The French
Edmar Mednis - From the Opening into the Endgame single pages
Emms Panczyk-Archagel and new Archagel
Endre Vegh - Starting Out Modern Benoni
Englishman - Paul Morphy - The Chess Champion - 1859
Eugene Znosko-Borovsky - How to Play the Chess Openings 2nd edition
Euwe Max - The Middlegame Book 2 1994
Fisher R My 60 Memorable Games Chess 382S
Flear Glenn - Open Ruy Lopez - 2000
Forintos G Haag E - Winning with the Hungarian Attack 2000
Forintos G Haag E - Petroffs Defence 1983
Fred Reinfield - On The Endgame Of Chess
Colección 7
Gary Lane - c3 Sicilian (Alapin Variation)
Gary Lane - Sicilian Bb5 Systems
Gary Lane - Beating the French
Gennady Nesis - Tactical Chess Exchanges new scan
Gittins Frederick Richard - The Chess Bouquet 1897
Gligoric Svetozar - Play the Nimzo-Indian.
Golubev-Easy guide to the Dragon
Greco Gioachino Lewis William - Gioachino Greco on the Game of Chess 1819
Gufeld E Stetsko O - The classical French 1999
Harding T Markland P - The Sicilian Richter-Rauze 1975
Harding Tim D. - Why You Lose at Chess - 1982
Hartley Colonel - The Chaturanga or Game of chess - 1841
Hartston W - Teach yourself chess 2006
Holladay Edgar - U.S. Chess Problem Anthology 2004
Hooperd Brandreth - The Unknown Capablanca
Horowitz, I. A. - How to Win in the Chess Endings
Horowitz I - How to win in the chess opening 1961
How to Become a Deadly Chess Tactician-David LeMoir -
Colección 8
Ideas Behind chess openings scanned by Dendix
James Plaskett - The Scandinavian Defence.
Jan Pinski - The Benko Gambit 2005
Jeremy Silman - How to Reassess Your Chess
Jeremy Silman - The Amateur s Mind
Joe Galagher - Magic of Mikhail Tal
Joe Gallagher - Winning with the King s Gambit
John Emms - Benoni Defence (A60-67, A70-79)
John Emms - Nimzo-Indian Defence (E20-59)
John Fedorowicz - Sicilian Najdorf (B90-B99)
John Fedorowicz - Sicilian Scheveningen
John Cox-starting out-alekhine s defence
John Emms - Attacking with 1.e4
John Emms - Play the Open Games as Black single pages
John Nunn The Classical King s Indian
Jon Tisdall - Benko (Volga) Gambit
Jonathan Tisdall - Improve your chess scanned by Dendix
Jones William Philidor Francois A. D. - Studies of Chess vol. 1 1804
Karpov - My Best Games
Kavalek L - World cup of chess 1990
Keene, R. & Jacobs, B - The Complete King's Indian
Keene, R. & Jacobs, B - The Complete King's Indian
Kenny William Stopford - Practical Chess Grammar 1817
Keres P Kotov A - The art of the middlegame 1973
Krasenkov, M. - The Open Spanish (1995)
Colección 9
Lawson D - The Inner Game 1993
Learn From Your Chess Mistakes
Lev Alburt - Test and Improve Your Chess - Numerical Evaluation and Other Techniques
Lev Alburt Alex Chernin - Pirc Alert - A Complete Defense against 1.e4
Longman Frederick William - Chess Openings 2nd 1874
Longman F. W. - Chess Openings - 1874
Mark Dvoretsky - Secrets of chess training scanned by Dendix
Mark Dvoretsky Artur Yusupov - Attack and Defence single pages
Marovic Drazen - Play the King s Indian - 1984
Marovic Drazen - Understanding Pawns Play in Chess - 2000
Master of Planning - Aron Nimzowitsch
Max Euwe - Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur
Max Euwe - Strategy Tactics in Chess
Max Euwe John Nunn - The Development of Chess Style
McDonald N - Chess the art of logical thinking 2004
McDonald The Benko Gambit Revealed
McDonald Neil - Starting Out 1. e4 - 2006
Mihai Suba - Dynamic Chess Strategy
Mikhail Shereshevsky - Endgame Strategy
Mikhail Tal Victor Khenkin - Tal s Winning Chess Combinations
Modern Defence - Speelman McDonald
Muller K Lamprecht F - Fundamental Chess Endings - 2002
Colección 10
Neil McDonald - French Classical & Rubinstein
Neil McDonald - Mastering Chess Tactics 2
Neil McDonald - Starting Out - 1.e4 - A Reliable Repertoire for the Improving Player
Neil McDonald - Typical Mistakes Master Class.
Neil McDonald Andrew Harley - Mastering the French
Neishtadt I - The queen s gambit accepted 1997
Newborn Monroe - Computer Chess
Nick De Firmian Modern Chess Openings
Nigel Davies & Andrew Martin - Alekhine's Defence
Nigel Davies & Andrew Martin - Caro-Kann Defence
Nigel Davies & Andrew Martin - Centre Counter Defence
Nigel Davies & Andrew Martin - Pirc & Modern Defence
Nigel Davies - The Chess player s battle
Nimzo Indian - John Emms
Nunn, John - Secrets of Rook Endings
Nunn J. Burguess G. - The New Classical Kings Indian - 1997
Otto Borik - Kasparov's Chess Openings - A Word Champion's Repertoire
O Connell K. Adams J.- The Games of Anatoly Karpov - 1974
Colección 11
Pachman L - Modern Chess Tactics 1972
Pachman Ludek - Modern Chess Stategy - 1968
Panczyk Ilczuk-Ruy Lopez exchange
Pardon G. F. - A Handbook of Chess - 1860
Paul Motwani - Spanish Opening
Philip Sergeant - Morphy s games of chess
Pierce J. - Chess Problems - 1874
Play the King s Indian - Drazen Marovic
Polgar S - Chess tactics for Champions 2006
Polugayevsky Lev - -Grandmaster Achievement - 1994
Przewoznik Soszynski-How to think in chess
Queen s Gambit Declined - Sadler
Raymond Keene - The Chess Combination from Philidor to Karpov
Reinfeld F - 1001 Brilliant Chess Sacrifices and Combinations 1955
S.Gligoric - Fischer vs Spassky 1972
Sadler, M. - Queen's Gambit Declined
Secrets Of Modern Chess Strategy
Secrets of Chess Tactics
Seirawan - Winning Chess Brilliancies
Seirawan Yasser - Wining Chess Tactics - 2006
Siegbert Tarrasch - The Game of Chess
Soltis, Andrew - Black Defensive System For The Rest Of Your Chess Career
Soltis Andrew - Why Lasker Matters - 2005
Soviet school of chess
Spanish Opening Exchange Variation (pp. 50-58)
Starting Out - The King's Indian (Gallagher Joe)
Starting Out - The Scotch Game
Starting Out Defensive Play
Starting out The English - Neil McDonald
Starting out The French - Byron Jacobs
Starting out The Nimzo Indian - Chris Ward
Suba Mihail - The Hedgehog - 2000
Colección 12
Tactical Chess Exchanges-Nesis, Gennady
Tactical Chess Exchanges-Nesis Gennady
Talbut S - An introduction to chess 1984
Think Like a Grandmaster
Uhlmann - Winning with the French (Chess)
Understanding the Leningrad Dutch
Understanding Chess Move by Move - GM John Nunn
Valeri Beim - Understanding the Leningrad Dutch single pages
Valeri Bein-chess reacipes from the grandmasters kitchen
Vassily Smyslov - My Best Games of Chess Vol.1 - 1935-1957
Vegh, Endre - Starting Out Modern Benoni (2004)
Vukovi 263 Vladimir - Art of Attack in Chess
Wall Bill - Grob s Attack - 1988
Watson J - English P-QB4 1980
Winning Chess Openings-Chess ebook Yasser Seirawan
Winning With The Benko - Jacobs
Yuri Yakovich - The Complete Sveshnikov Sicilian
Colección 13
1. Angus Dunnington - Understanding the Sacrifice - Sacrifice Your Way to Success
2. Aron Nimzowitsch - Blockade - New Perspectives
3. Artur Jussupow - Arthur Yusupov - chess lesson ebook
4. Atarov - Russian Championship 2004
5. Averbah Yury L. - Endgame Essential Knowledges
6. Averbakh - Chess Middlegames, Essential Knowledge
7. Averbakh & Bejlin - Chess tutor (1970)
8. Avni - Danger in Chess (How To Avoid Making Blunders)
9. A. A. Troitzky - 360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames
10. A. J. Roycroft - The Chess Endgame Study - A Comprehensive Introduction
11. A.Lipson A Russian Course
12. A Memorial to William Steinitz
13. A Second Series of Lessons on the Game o
14. A Selection of Games at Chess Actually P
15. A treatise on the game of chess
16. A Treatise on the Game of Chess odd
17. Aagaard - Excelling at Chess
18. Aagaard - Exchelling at thechnical chess (pages 1-121 only)
19. Aagaard - Starting Out - The Grunfeld
20. Aagaard & Lund - Meeting 1.d4
21. Aagaard, Jacob - Excelling at Positional Chess (2004)
22. Aaron & Claire Summerscale - Interview with a Grandmaster
23. Abbott - 121 Chess Problems
24. Abeln - Corus Wijk aan Zee 2005 (TWIC report)
25. Abrahams, Gerald - Teach Yourself Chess
26. Abramov Cafferty - Chess Move by Move
27. adelson et al.-programming a computer to play chess
28. Adelson-Velskii,V L Arlazarov,M V Donskoi-Some Methods Of Controlling The Tree Search In Chess Programs
29. Adriaan D. de Groot - Thought and Choice in Chess
30. Ahlander-Tairi, Malmö 2003
31. Al Horowitz - Chess for Beginners - A Picture Guide (cleaned-up)
32. Alburt - Comprehensive Chess Course - Vol.2
33. Alburt Palatnik - Chess Strategy for the Tournament Player
34. Alburt Schiller - The Alekhine for the Tournament Player
35. Alburt, Lev - Chess Training Pocketbook
36. Alekhine's Last Years and Nazi Collaboration (Chess Magazine 1944-46)
37. Alexander - The Penguin Book of Chess Positions
38. Alexander Alekhine - My Best Games of Chess 1908-1923
39. Alexander Beliavsky & Adrian Mikhalchishin - B86-87 Sicilian Defence (multilanguage)
40. Alexander Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4 Book 3 (2004)
41. Alexander Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4 Book 4 (2005)
42. Alexander Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4 Book 5 (2005)
43. Alexander Khalifman - Opening for White according to Anand 1.e4, Vol. 1
44. Alexander Khalifman - Opening for White according to Anand 1.e4, Vol. 2
45. Alexander Kotov - Play Like a Grandmaster (better contrast)
46. Alexander Kotov - Train Like a Grandmaster
47. Alexander Kotov & Mikhail Yudovich - The Soviet School of Chess
48. Alexander Nikitin - Sicilian Sveshnikov
49. Alexander Raetsky & Maxim Chetverik - Alexander Alekhine - Master of Attack
50. Alexander Raetsky & Maxim Chetverik - Starting Out - Benoni Systems
51. Alexander Raetsky Maxim Chetverik - Starting Out - Benoni Systems
52. Alexei Shirov - Fire on Board, Vol. 1
53. Alexei Suetin - A Contemporary Approach to the Middlegame
54. Alexei Suetin - Plan Like a Grandmaster
55. Alexei Suetin - The Complete Gruenfeld
56. Alexey Kuzmin - Sicilian Rauzer - Turning a New Page
57. Analysis of the Game of Chess
58. Anatoly Karpov - My Best Games (1978)
59. Anatoly Karpov By Smartchess
60. Andrew Martin - The Contemporary Anti-Dutch
61. Andrew Martin - The Essential Center-Counter - A Practical Guide for Black
62. Andrew Soltis - Why Lasker Matters
63. Andrew Soltis - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation
64. Andrew Soltis - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation
65. Andrew Soltis - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation 2
66. Angus Dunnington - Attacking with 1.d4
67. Angus Dunnington - Can You Be a Positional Chess Genius
68. Angus Dunnington - Starting Out - Defensive Play
69. Angus Dunnington - The Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein - The Ever Popular Main Lines with 4.e3
Colección 14
1. Byron Jacobs - Starting Out in Chess
2. Byron Jacobs - Starting Out in Chess
3. Baburin, Alexander - Coffee Break Chess Nº 1-32.pdf
4. Baird - 700 Chess problems
5. Baker, Chris - A Startling Chess Opening Repertoire - (1998)
6. Baker, Chris - Learn From Your Chess Mistakes (2002)
7. Barber - A Guide to Scholastic Chess
8. Barburin - Winning Pawn Structures
9. Barden Harston Keene - The King's Indian Defense
10. Barnie F. Winkelman - Modern Chess Endings
11. Basman - Play the St. George
12. BasmanMichael - The Killer Grob
13. Bass, Leonid - King's Indian with g3
14. Beimi - How to Play Dynamic Chess
15. Beliavsky, A. & Mikhalchischin, A. - The Two Knights Defence - (1999)
16. benko gambit jacobs
17. Berliner - The System, A World Champion's Approach To Chess
18. Bernd Rosen - Chess Endgame Training
19. Bill Robertie - Basic Endgame Strategy - Queens and Rooks
20. Bill Wall - Grob's Attack
21. Bird - Chess History and Reminiscences
22. Bird, H E - Chess History and Reminiscences
23. Bisguier - Ten Tips to Winning Chess
24. Bobby Fischer's Outrageous Chess Moves - Pandolfini
25. Bogdan's Bogo - TWIC Theory #7
26. Book of Chess Strategy
27. Botvinnik - Alekhine vs. Euwe Return Match 1937 (1939)
28. Botvinnik - Karpov .His road to the world championship (Bastford,1978) -
29. Botvinnik - One Hundred Selected Games
30. Bouwmeester - Winning Chess Combinations
31. Brady - Chess - How to Improve Your Technique
32. Brash - Chess Openings for Progressive Players (1949)
33. British Chess Magazine - A V R O 1938 Chess Tournament
34. British Chess Magazine - Aug 2001
35. British Chess Magazine - Dec 2001
36. British Chess Magazine - Jan 2001
37. British Chess Magazine - Jan 2003
38. British Chess Magazine - June 2000
39. British Chess Magazine - June 2001
40. British Chess Magazine - Mar 2000
41. British Chess Magazine - Mar 2002
42. British Chess Magazine - May 2000
43. British Chess Magazine - May 2001
44. British Chess Magazine - May 2002
45. British Chess Magazine - Oct 1973
46. British Chess Magazine - Oct 1999
47. British Chess Magazine - Oct 2001
48. British Chess Magazine - Sep 2001
49. British Chess Magazine Dec 1998
50. British Chess Magazine, Vol. 02 (1882, ed. by John Watkinson)
51. British Chess Magazine, Vol. 04 (1884, ed. by John Watkinson)
52. British Chess Magazine, Vol. 06 (1886, ed. by John Watkinson)
53. British Chess Magazine, Vol. 16 (1896, ed. by Isaac M. Brown)
54. Bronstein, David - The World Chess Crown Challenge; Kasparov Vs Karpov; Seville 87
55. Bronstein, Zurich International Chess Tournament 1953
56. Bruce Pandolfini - Pandolfini's Endgame Course
57. Bruce Pandolfini - Russian Chess - Learn from the New Champions
58. Buckley - Easy Guide to the Queen's Gambit Accepted
59. Buckley - Practical Chess Analyses Part2
60. BUCKLEY - Pratical Chess Analysis
61. Burgess and Pedersen - Queens Gambit for the Attacking Player
62. Burgess, Graham - The Quickest Chess Victories of All Time
Colección 15
1. Crowther - Amber Blindfold and Rapid 2005
2. Crowther - Dortmund Sparkassen 2005
3. Curry, Ron - Win at Chess
4. C42 Polgar-Karpov 2003
5. C.H. O'D. Alexander - Alekhine's Best Games of Chess 1938-1945
6. Cafferty - Tal's 100 Best Games 1961-1973
7. Canizares-Sveinsson 2003
8. Cao-Almasi 2003
9. Capablanca - A Primer of Chess
10. Capablanca - Capablanca's Last Chess Lectures
11. Capablanca - Chess Fundamentals
12. Caro-Kann, A Defense Against King Pawn Opening (Eric Schiller)
13. Carsten Hansen - Improve your positional chess
14. Cartier R and Hall S - Modern King s Indian Attack 1996
15. Ciancarini - kasparov vs. karpov - world chess championship 1990
16. ckapg
17. Cochrane 1822 - A Treatise on the Game of Chess
18. Coffee Break Chess 31
19. Colin McNab - Catalan
20. comprehensive chess course 7 - just the facts! winning endgame knowledge (lev alburt)
21. Cook-American chess-nuts - a collection of problems (1868)
22. Counterplay Chess Magazine 1986-10, Vol. 6 No. 5
23. Cozen W - Book 3 Lessons in chess strategy 1968
24. Crouch - Master Class - Delayed Castling
Colección 16
1. Christian Kongsted - How to Use Computers to Improve Your Chess
2. Christiansen - Rocking the Ramparts - A Guide to Attacking Chess
3. Chronicles of chess creavity
4. Charles Devide & David Hooper (ed.) - William Steinitz - Selected Chess Games (1975)
5. Charles Devide (ed.) - A Memorial to William Steinitz (1901)
6. Charushin - Chess Comet Rudolf Charousek 1873-1900
7. Chernev - Capa Matches
8. Chernev, Irving - The 1000 Best Short Games Of Chess
9. Chernev, Irving - The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played - 62 Masterpieces of Chess Strategy
10. Chess - Advantage of the Second Move
11. Chess - Bobby Fischer - My 160 Memorable Games
12. Chess - Caro-Kann - Karpov Beliavsky - Hollfeld 1998-By phun
13. Chess - Ebook - Combinatorial Game Theory In Chess Endgames
14. chess - find morphy's motives
15. chess - Ruy Lopez Articles by Ehab Hamada
16. Chess - Starting Out - Closed Sicilian - R Palliser - Everyman 2006-By phun
17. CHESS - Tal Botvinnik Part 1
18. chess and content-oriented psychology of thinking
19. Chess Archeology's Excavations 1998-2001
20. Chess Asia - Men's Interzonal Chess Tournament Manila 1990
21. Chess Chronicle - Vol 13
22. Chess ebook - Bent Larsen - Good Move Guide
23. Chess generalship [Franklin Young, 1910]
24. chess How To Play The Winawer Gambit (Eric Schiller)
25. chess Kaleidoscope-anatoli karpov 70 150
26. Chess Life 2000-02 (stripped)
27. Chess Life 2004-12 (stripped)
28. Chess Life 2005-03 (stripped)
29. Chess Life 2005-04 (stripped)
30. Chess Life 2005-05 (stripped)
31. Chess Life 2005-06 [stripped, 22 pages]
32. Chess Life 2005-07 (stripped)
33. Chess Life 2005-08 (stripped)
34. Chess Life 2005-10 (stripped)
35. Chess Life 2005 10 (stripped)
36. Chess Life (2005 09 V60)
37. Chess Life September 2005, Vol. 60 No. 9
38. Chess magazine by CSWU - Chess Asia, Vol.5 No.2
39. Chess Magazine Chess Asia, Vol.8 No.4
40. Chess Mail 2001-01
41. Chess Mail 2002-02
42. Chess Mail J.J. van Oosterom Special
43. Chess Open Games
44. Chess Openings - King's Indian Defense
45. Chess Openings - Queen's Indian Defense
46. Chess publishing - Gary Lane - Sicilian Bb5 Systems
47. chess publishing - John Fedorowicz - Sicilian Scheveningen
48. Chess Publishing - Neil McDonald - French Classical & Rubinstein
49. Chess Publishing - Nigel Davies & Andrew Martin - Alekhine's Defence
50. Chess Publishing - Nigel Davies & Andrew Martin - Pirc and Modern Defence
51. Chess Publishing - Paul Motwani - Spanish Opening
52. Chess Publishing . Nigel Davies & Andrew Martin - Centre Counter Defence
53. Chess Publishing -. Nigel Davies and Andrew Martin - Caro-Kann Defence
54. Chess Publishing- Benko Gambit [A57-59]
55. Chess Publishing- Chebanenko
56. Chess Publishing- D4 D02-05 - Colle
57. Chess Publishing- French C15-19 - Winawer
58. Chess Publishing- Grunfeld (D96-99) - Russian Variation
59. Chess Publishing- MoscowVariation
60. Chess Publishing- Queen's Gambit Accepted [D20-29]
61. Chess Publishing- Sicilian B20,B23-26 - Closed
62. Chess Publishing- Sicilian B90-99 - Najdorf
63. Chess Publishing- Siciliana B40-49 - Paulsen Taimanov
64. Chess Publishing- Trompowski
65. Chess Publishing-King´s Pawn C41-44 - Philidor,Petroff,Ponziani
66. Chess Publishing-Kings Indian - E80-89- Saemisch
67. Chess Strategy and Tactics For Novice Players
68. Chess Tactics in the Opening 2
69. Chess Today (magazine compilation 2000-2004)
70. Chess Today L6 (Sicilian Dragon 2)
71. Chess.Artur Yusupov - The Anand Move Order
72. Chess.by.CSWU.-.New.in.Chess.Magazine.2005-01.(without.pictures)
73. Chess.by.CSWU.-.New.in.Chess.Magazine.2005-03.(without.pictures)
74. Chess.by.CSWU.-.New.in.Chess.Yearbook.63.(without.pictures)
75. Chess Improvement I
76. Chess Improvement II
77. Chess Match Between Steinitz Blackburn
78. Chess PepeNervos Kevin O'Connell & Jimmy Adams - The Games of Anatoly Karpov
79. chess Teaching Manual
80. ChessBase-Mig Greengard & John Henderson - Kasparov vs Karpov 2002
81. Chessolutions - Chess Master Secrets
82. ChessZone Magazine, 1 (2007)
83. ChessZone Magazine, 1 (2008)
84. ChessZone Magazine, 2 (2008)
85. ChessZone Magazine, 3 (2008)
86. ChessZone Magazine, 7 (2007)
87. ChessZone Magazine, 8 (2007)
88. ChessZone Magazine, 9 (2007)
89. ChessZone Magazine, 10 (2006)
90. ChessZone Magazine, 10 (2007)
91. ChessZone Magazine, 11 (2006)
92. ChessZone Magazine, 11 (2007)
93. ChessZone Magazine, 12 (2006)
94. ChessZone Magazine, 12 (2007)
95. Chris Ward - Sicilian Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
96. Chris Ward - Winning with the Sicilian Dragon 2
97. Chris Ward - Winning with the Sicilian Dragon 2
Colección 17
1. Dvoretsky, Mark - The Instructor 08 - Pasivity In the Opening - Dvoretsky
2. Damsky, Yakov V. - Records in Chess - (2004)
3. Dan Heisman 01 - Helping you through the Jungle
4. Dan Heisman 02 - Understanding Improvement and Elements of C
5. Dan Heisman 03 - Going to Sleep in the Endgame
6. Dan Heisman 04 - A different approach to studying tactics
7. Dan Heisman 05 - The seeds of tactical destruction
8. Dan Heisman 06 - Chess books and prerequisites
9. Dan Heisman 08 - The underrated removal of the guard
10. Dan Heisman 09 - The six common chess states
11. Dan Heisman 10 - Real chess, time management and care, putti
12. Dan Heisman 11 - Techniques
13. Dan Heisman 12 - Analisys and evaluation
14. Dan Heisman 13 - When you're winning, its a whole different
15. Dan Heisman 14 - A generic thought process
16. Dan Heisman 15 - A Counting Primer
17. Dan Heisman 16 - The Road to Carnegie Hall
18. Dan Heisman 17 - Break Moves - Opening Lines to Increase Mov
19. Dan Heisman - Most Common Opening Tactics - Chess
20. Daniel King - How to Win at Chess - 10 Golden Rules to Follow
21. David Bronstein & Ken Neat - Bronstein on the King's Indian
22. David H. Li - Chess Detective - Kriegspiel Strategies, Endgames and Problems
23. David LeMoir - How to Become a Deadly Chess Tactician
24. David Levy & Kevin O'Connell - Korchnoi's Chess Games
25. David N. L. Levy - Sacrifices in the Sicilian (2nd edition, )
26. Davies - The 2.f4 Sicilian
27. Davies & Martin - Alekhine's Defence
28. Davies, Nigel - The Chess Player's Battle Manual - (1998)
29. De la Maza - Rapid Chess Imrovement
30. Dejaschacchi - Tactical Combinations
31. Developing Beginner's Board Vision - Dan Heisman
32. Divers - The Ideas Behind The French Defence
33. Divers - World Chess Championship 2005
34. Dorian Rogozenko - Anti-Sicilians - A Guide for Black
35. Drazen Marovic - Play the King's Indian Defence
36. Drazen Marovic - Understanding Pawn Play in Chess
37. Du Mont - The Basis of Combination in Chess
38. Dunnington - The Ultimate King's Indian Attack
39. Dvoretsky - Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual
Colección 18
1. Euwe - The Development of Chess Style
2. Euwe Alekhine - Euwe vs. Alekhine Match 1935
3. Evaluating Unorthodox Chess Openings
4. Evgeny Bareev - C05-06 French Defence, Tarrasch Variation (multilanguage)
5. Evgeny Bareev - C05-06 French Defence Tarrasch Variation multilanguage
6. E. B. Cook, W. R. Henry, C. A. Gilberg - American Chess-Nuts - A Collection of Problems (1868)
7. E. E. Cunnington - Chess Traps and Stratagems (7th edition)
8. E. Freeborough & C. E. Ranken - Chess Openings Ancient and Modern (2nd ed. 1905)
9. eBook - PDF - The Instructor 13 - A Chess Player and How He Grows - Dvoretsky - Chess
10. Ebook Schach Chess Albins-Gambit
11. ebook Schach Chess Goering-Gambit
12. ebook Schach Chess Ryder-Gambit
13. ebook-The Psychology of Computer Programming - G.M. Weinberg (OCRed)
14. Edge - Paul Morphy the chess champion by an E
15. Eduard Gufeld - The Modern French Tarrasch
16. Eduard Gufeld - The Sicilian Defence
17. Eduard Gufeld Exploiting Small Advantages
18. Eduard Gufeld - The Modern French Tarrasch
19. Edward Lasker - Chess for Fun & Chess for Blood (1st edition, 1942)
20. Edward Winter - Chess Notes 4338-4389
21. Edwards & Keene - The Chess Player's Bedside Book
22. Efim Geller - Queen's Indian Defence (updated by R. G. Wade)
23. Ellis - Chess Sparks - Short and Bright Games of Chess
24. Emanuel Lasker - Games 1889-1903 (ed. by Alexander Khalifman)
25. Emms - Attacking with 1 e4
26. Emms - Simple Chess
27. Emms - Starting out - Minor piece endgames (excerpts)
28. Endre Vegh - Starting Out - Modern Benoni
29. Eugene Znosko-Borovsky - The Art of Chess Combination
30. Euwe - Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur
31. Euwe - A Guide to Chess Endings
32. Euwe - Judgment.and.Planning.in.Chess
33. Euwe - Meet the Masters
34. Euwe - Strategy & Tactics in Chess
Colección 19
1. Fred Reinfeld - Reinfeld on the End-Game in Chess
2. Freeborough, E. & Ranken, C.E. - Chess openings ancient and modern
3. Frey, Peter W. (ed.) - Chess Skill in Man and Machine
4. f4 sicilian hodgson ocr
5. Fedorowicz - Najdorf (B90-B99)
6. Fedorowicz - Sicilian Scheveningen
7. Fine - Basic Chess Endings
8. Fine - Modern Chess Openings
9. Firmian - Modern Chess Openings MCO-14
10. Fischer, Robert - My 60 Memorable Games
11. Fisher R. My 60 memorable games (chess)(382s)
12. Flear, Glenn - Mastering the Endgame
13. Forintos G & Haag E - Winning with the Hungarian Attack (2000)
14. Francois D. Philidor & George Walker - The Celebrated Analysis of the Game of Chess (1832) 15. Frank J. Marshall - My 50 Years of Chess (1st edition, 1942)
16. Franklin K. Young - Chess Generalship (1910)
17. Franklin K. Young - The Grand Tactics of Chess (1898)
18. Franklin K. Young - The Major Tactics of Chess (1919)
Colección 20
1. Greenfeld - World Team Chess Championship Israel 2005
2. Gufeld - Leonid Stein Master of the Risk Strategy
3. Gufeld Stetsko - Winning with the Torre Attack
4. Gallagher, Joe - Winning with the Kings Gambit
5. Garry Kasparov - Fighting Chess - My Games and Career
6. Garry Kasparov - Kasparov Teaches Chess
7. Garry Kasparov - My Great Predecessors, Vol.1 (Photographs)
8. Garry Kasparov - My Great Predecessors, Vol.2 (Photographs)
9. Garry Kasparov - My Great Predecessors, Vol.3 (Photographs)
10. Garry Kasparov - My Great Predecessors, Vol.4 (Photographs)
11. Garry Kasparov & Alexander Nikitin - The Sicilian Scheveningen
12. Gelb, Keene-Samurai Chess
13. Gennady Nesis - Tactical Chess Exchanges
14. Genrikh M. Kasparian - Domination in 2545 Endgame Studies (new scan)
15. Gerald Abrahams - Teach Yourself Chess
16. Gerald Abrahams - Technique in Chess
17. Gilberg - Crumbs from the Chess-Board (1890)
18. Gioachino Greco on the Game of Chess
19. Giovanni Falchetta - 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5 - Keres Defence
20. Glenn Flear - Open Ruy Lopez
21. Glenn Flear - The ...a6 Slav - The Dynamic Lines with an Early ...a6
22. Glenn Flear - Open Ruy Lopez
23. Gligoric S. - Fischer vs. Spassky 1972 - The Chess Match of the Century
24. Gligoric Wade - The World Chess Championship
25. Golombek - 1930 Scarborough International Tournament
26. Gordon Smyth - How to Beat the Computer at Chess (1995)
27. Gossip, G.H.D. - Theory of the Chess Openings (2nd edition)
28. Graham Burgess - 101 Chess Opening Surprises
29. Graham Burgess, John Nunn, John Emms - Mammoth Book of Greatest Chess Games (darkseed)
30. Granda Zuniga-Gonzales 2003
31. Greco + Ercole del Rio libros
32. Greco, Gioachino - On The Game Of Chess
Colección 21
1. Horowitz Mott-Smith - Point Count Chess (positional strategy)
2. HOROWITZ- The World Chess Chamionship (ed Mcmillan 1973)
3. How to Play the Scotch Gambit - Eric Schiller-By phun
4. How To Study The Chess Opening
5. How To Think In Chess
6. Howard Staunton - Chess Praxis - A Supplement to the Chess Player's Handbook (1860)
7. Howard Staunton - The Chess Tournament of 1851 (1851)
8. Hall - Budding Chess Champion
9. Hanauer Milton - Chess For You and Me
10. Hans Berliner - The System - A World Champion's Approach to Chess
11. Hans Kmoch - Rubinstein's Chess Masterpieces - 100 Selected Games
12. Harding - One Hundred Years Ago - Chess in 1903
13. Harding - Two Knights Defence Part I - Chess
14. Harding - Two Knights Defence Part II - Chess
15. Harding - Two Knights Defence Part III - Chess
16. Harding - Winning at Correspondence Chess
17. Harding, Tim - Better Chess For Average Players
18. Hartston - Teach Yourself Better Chess
19. Hartston & Reuben - Phillips & Drew Kings Chess Tournament - London 1980
20. Healey - 200 Chess Problems (1866)
21. heisman18
22. heisman19
23. heisman20
24. heisman21
25. heisman22
26. heisman23
27. heisman24
28. Heisman - MentalDomination (Fiction)
29. Heisman, Dan - Looking for Trouble Recognizing and Meeting Threats in Chess
30. Henderson - Kasparov vs Kramnik WCC Match 2000
31. Hodgson Day - Grand Prix Attack - f4 Against the Sicilian
32. Hodgson, Julian - f4 Sicilian
33. Hodgson Julian - Sicilian Sveshnikov
34. Hoogendoorn - SmithMorra gambit
35. Hooper, DF. & Brandreth, D. - The Unknown Capablanca
36. Horowitz - Chess For Beginner (1956)(148s)(Chessbook)
37. Horowitz - How to Win in the Chess Endings
38. Horowitz - New Traps in the Chess Opening
39. Horowitz - The World Chess Championship, A History – 1973
Colección 22
1. ICCF AMICI No. 07, 2005 (correspondence chess)
2. ICCF AMICI No. 08, 2006 (correspondence chess)
3. Inside Chess By Yasser Seirawan
4. Irving Chernev - Capablanca's Best Chess Endings - 60 Complete Games
5. Irving Chernev - Chessboard Magic! - 160 Brilliant Chess Endings (1st edition, )
6. Irving Chernev & Fred Reinfeld - Winning Chess - How to Perfect Your Attacking Play
7. Isidor Gunsberg - The Chess Openings (1901)
8. I. A. Horowitz - Winning Chess Tactics Illustrated
9. Ian Snape - Chess Endings Made Simple
10. ICCF AMICI No. 01, 2004 (correspondence chess)
11. ICCF AMICI No. 02, 2004 (correspondence chess)
12. ICCF AMICI No. 03, 2004 (correspondence chess)
13. ICCF AMICI No. 04, 2005 (correspondence chess)
14. ICCF AMICI No. 05, 2005 (correspondence chess)
15. ICCF AMICI No. 06, 2005 (correspondence chess)
Colección 23
1. Jonathan Speelman - Analysing the Endgame (2nd edition, )
2. Jose Raul Capablanca - My Chess Career
3. Joseph Kling & Bernard Horwitz - The Chess Player, Vols. 1-2 (1852)
4. J. Hajtun - Selected Chess Games of Mikhail Tal
5. J. Loewenthal - Morphy's Games - Selection of the Best Games Played by the Champion (1860)
6. J. W. Miller (ed.) - The American Supplement to the Synopsis of Chess Openings (1885)
7. Jack Peters - Los Angeles Times Chess Column 2005
8. Jack Peters - Los Angeles Times Chess Column 2006
9. Jacob Aagaard - Dutch Stonewall
10. Jacob Aagaard - Inside the Chess Mind - How Players of All Levels Think About the Game
11. Jacobs - Winning with the Benko
12. Jacobs, Byron - Starting Out The French
13. Jacoby - The new anti-Najdorf 6.Be3!
14. James Mason & W.H.K. Pollock - St. Petersburg Tournament 1895-96
15. James Plaskett - The Scandinavian Defence
16. James Vigus - The Pirc in Black and White (2007)
17. Jan Pinski - Italian Game and Evans Gambit (2005)
18. Jan Pinski - The Benko Gambit (2005)
19. Jan Pinski - The Two Knights Defense (2004)
20. Jan Timman - Curacao 1962 - The Battle of Minds That Shook the Chess World
21. Janos Flesch - Planning in Chess
22. Jason Hofferle - The Rules of Chess
23. Jeremy Silman - How to Reassess Your Chess (3rd edition)
24. Jeremy Silman - Silman's Complete Endgame Course (2007)
25. Joe Gallagher - Play the King's Indian - A Complete Repertoire for Black
26. Joe Gallagher - Starting Out - The King's Indian
27. Joe Gallagher - The Magic of Mikhail Tal
28. Joe Gallagher - Beating the Anti-King s Indians
29. John Cochrane - A Treatise on the Game of Chess
30. John Cox - Dealing with d4 Deviations (2005)
31. John Cox - Starting Out - 1.d4! - A Reliable Repertoire for the Improving Player
32. John Emms - Easy Guide To Ruy Lopez
33. John Emms - More Simple Chess
34. John Emms - Nimzo-Indian Defence
35. John Emms - Play the Open Games as Black
36. John Emms - Starting Out - The Scotch Game
37. John Emms - The Scandinavian (2nd edition)
38. John Emms - The Survival Guide to Rook Endings
39. John Emms - The Survival Guide to Rook Endings
40. John Nunn - Secrets of Practical Chess (new scan)
41. John Nunn - Secrets of Rook Endings
42. John Nunn - The Classical King's Indian (600 dpi, )
43. John Nunn - The Complete Pirc
44. John Nunn - Understanding Chess Move by Move (Caissa Lovers)
45. John Nunn & Graham Burgess - The New Classical King's Indian
46. John W. Collins - Maxims of Chess
47. John Watson - Play the French (new ed.)
48. John Cox - Starting Out - 1.d4 - A Reliable Repertoire for the Improving Player
49. Jon Edwards - Teach Yourself VISUALLY Chess
50. Jon Speelman & Neil McDonald - Modern Defence
51. Jonathan Rowson - Understanding the Grunfeld
Colección 24
1. Kosten - Easy Guide to the Najdorf
2. Kotronias - Beating The Caro-Kan
3. Krogius - Psychology in Chess
4. Krogius, Nikolai - Psychology in Chess - (1976)
5. Kalinin - The French Defence.Modern Practice,2003
6. Kalinin - The French Defence.Modern Practice 2003
7. Karolyi Martin - New Directions in the Exchange Grunfeld - TWIC Theory #4
8. Karpov - My Best Games (1978) (missing pg.55-58)
9. Karpov By Smartchess
10. Karsten Mueller & Frank Lamprecht - Fundamental Chess Endings
11. Karsten Müller & Frank Lamprecht - Secrets of Pawn Endings (2000)
12. Kashdan I. - Folkestone 1933 - International Team Chess Tournament
13. Kasparov - A Photo Album (from the book 'Unlimited Challenge')
14. Kasparov - Fighting Chess - My Games and Career
15. Kasparov - Guide to Chess
16. kasparov - karpov 5, chess world championship, newyork-lion 1990 - ciancarini, p - 1991
17. Kasparov - My great predecessors 3
18. Kasparov - My Great Predecessors Part 1
19. Kasparov - The Test Of Time
20. Kasparov vs The World 1999 (complete commentary)
21. Kasparov, Garry - My Brilliant Chess Games
22. Kasparov-Karpov - Chess World Championship - NewYork-Lion 1990 - P. Ciancarini
23. Keene - Aron Nimzowitsch A Reappraisal
24. Keene - Karpov-Korchnoi 1978 - Parapsychology, Gurus and the KGB
25. Keene - Karpov-Kortchnoi 1978 - The Inside Story of the Match (1978)
26. Keene & Lawson - Kasparov-Korchnoi - The London Contest
27. Keene R. Levy D. - An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player
28. Keene, R. - The Chess Combination from Philidor to Karpov(1977)
29. Keene, Raymond - Karpov-Kortchnoi 1978 - Parapsychology, Gurus And The Kgb
30. Ken Smith & John Hall - Winning with the Colle System (2nd edition)
31. Ken Smith John Hall - Winning with the Colle System 2nd edition
32. Keres P. Kotov A. - The Art of the Middle Game
33. Kinsman, Andrew - Improve Your Middlegame Play
34. Kling Horwitz - Chess studies or endings of games
35. Knaak, Rainer - Semi-Slav and Meran
36. Knowledge Discovery In Chess Databases - Johannes Furnkranz
37. Kopec, Danny - Mastering the Sicilian
38. Korchnoi - Viktor Korchnoi's Best Games
39. Korchnoi & Wade - Blackstock - Korchnoi's 400 Best Games
40. Korchnoi & Zak - King's Gambit
41. Korchnoi, Viktor - Practical Rook Endings
Colección 25
1. Ludek Pachman - Complete Chess Strategy 2 - Principles of Pawn Play
2. Ludek Pachman - Complete Chess Strategy 2 - Principles of Pawn Play and the Center
3. Ludek Pachman - Complete Chess Strategy 3 - Play on the Wings
4. Ludek Pachman - Complete Chess Strategy 3 - Play on the Wings
5. Ludek Pachman - Chess Endings for the Practical Player
6. Lukacs Hazai - Morozevich Variation
7. Lane - Beating the French
8. Lane - Sicilian Bb5 Systems
9. Lane - The Grand Prix Attack - Attacking Lines with f4 against the Sicilian
10. Lane, Gary - The Bishop's Opening Explained
11. Lane, Gary - The Vienna Game
12. Lane - Beating the French
13. Lane - Beating the French 2
14. Larry Evans - New Ideas in Chess
15. Larry Evans - Trophy Chess - Lessing Rosenwald Tournament 1954-1955
16. Larry Evans, Svetozar Gligoric et al. - How to Open a Chess Game
17. Lasker - Games 1904-1940 . Khalifman, ed
18. Lasker vs Steinitz - World Championship Match 1894
19. Lasker, Ed - Chess Mastership
20. Lasker, Edward - Chess Strategy
21. Lasker,Emanuel - Laskers manual of chess (1947)
22. Laszlo Polgar - Training in 5333 + 1 position - Multilingual
23. Learn How to Play Chess-Beginners Course
24. Leonard Barden, William R. Hartston, Raymond Keene - The King's Indian Defence
25. Leonid Shamkovich & Eric Schiller - Kasparov's Opening Repertoire
26. Letters on Chess
27. Lev Alburt - Comprehensive Chess Course - Vol 1
28. Lev Alburt - Test and Improve Your Chess (missing pp. 103 & 112)
29. Lev Alburt & Alex Chernin - Pirc Alert! - A Complete Defense against 1.e4
30. Lev Alburt & Sam Palatnik - The King in Jeopardy
31. Lev Alburt, Roman Dzindzichashvili, Eugene Perelshteyn - Chess Openings for Black, Explained
32. Lev Alburt, Roman Dzindzichashvili, Eugene Perelshteyn - Chess Openings for White (small size)
33. Lev Polugaevsky - Grandmaster Achievement
34. Lev Psakhis - French Defence - Steinitz, Classical and Other Systems
35. Lev Psakhis - French Defence - Steinitz Classical and Other Systems
36. Levy - How Fischer Plays Chess (1975)
37. Levy & O'connell - How To Play The Sicilian Defence
38. Lewis 1832 - Fifty Games at Chess
39. Lewis - Chess Problems (1827)
40. Libro scacchi echecs Chess Life 2005-02
41. Logical Chess by Chernev
42. London Bridge - Chess Magazine, Vol.70 No.3 June 2005
43. Lou Hays - Winning Chess Tactics for Juniors
44. Lowenthal - Era Problem tournament (1857)
45. Lubomir Kavalek - Washington Post Chess Column 2006
46. Ludek Pachman - Complete Chess Strategy 1 - First Principles of the Middlegame
Colección 26
1. Motwani - The Most Instructive Games of the Young Grandmasters (Amazon)
2. Mueller Karsten - Chess Endings, Bishops At Work
3. M. A. Sutherland & H. M. Lommer - 1234 Modern End-Game Studies
4. M.M.Botvinnik-Computers in Chess Solving Inexact Search Problems
5. Magazine - British Chess Magazine 2001.08
6. magazine Chess Life 2005 01 [stripped, 31 pages]
7. Mark Dvoretsky - Secrets of Chess Tactics
8. Mark Dvoretsky - Secrets of Chess Training
9. Mark Lowery - Introduction to Attacking
10. Mark Lowery - Sacrificing in Chess
11. Mark Lowery - Tactics vs. Positional Play - The Illusionary Battle
12. Marovic & Parma - An Opening Repertoire for Black
13. Marsland.-.Computers,.Chess.and.Cognition.(1990)
14. Martin - Classical King's Indian
15. Martin - The Contemporary Anti-Dutch
16. Martin Greif - 200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles
17. Mason - The Art of Chess (1913)
18. Mason - The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice (1946)
19. Mason James - Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice(1)
20. Mason Pollock - St. Petersburg Tournament 1895-96
21. Matanovic A - Anthology Of Chess Combinations (2Nd Ed) (Missing Pp 139-140)
22. Max Euwe - Judgement and Planning in Chess
23. Max Euwe & Haije Kramer - The Middlegame, Vol. 2 (1994)
24. Max Euwe & Walter Meiden - Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur
25. Mcdonald - Starting Out The English
26. McDonald N Chess the art of logical thinking2004
27. McDonald The Benko Gambit Revealed
28. Mednis - How to Play Good Opening Moves
29. Mednis - King Power in Chess
30. Mednis - Practical Rook Endings
31. Michael Basman - Play the St George
32. Michal Krasenkow - The Open Spanish
33. Michal Krasenkow - The Open Spanish
34. Mieses - Instructive Positions From Master Chess
35. Mihai Suba - Dynamic Chess Strategy
36. Mihai Suba - The Hedgehog
37. Mihail Marin - Secrets Of Chess Defence
38. Mikhail Botvinnik - Achieving the Aim
39. Mikhail Botvinnik - Anatoly Karpov - His Road to the World Championship
40. Mikhail Botvinnik - One Hundred Selected Games
41. Mikhail Shereshevsky - The Soviet Chess Conveyor (small size)
42. Mikhail Shereshevsky & L. M. Slutsky - Mastering the Endgame, Vol. 1
43. Mikhail Shereshevsky & L. M. Slutsky - Mastering the Endgame, Vol. 2
44. Mikhail Tal - The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal
45. Mikhail Tal & Victor Khenkin - Tal's Winning Chess Combinations (edited, with cover)
46. Mikhail Yudovich - Garry Kasparov - His Career in Chess (1988)
47. Mikhail Yudovich - The Gambit
48. Mikhail Shereshevsky L. M. Slutsky - Mastering the Endgame Vol. 1
49. Mikhail Shereshevsky L. M. Slutsky - Mastering the Endgame Vol. 2
50. Morphy s Games
Colección 27
1. Nunn, John et all - NCO Nunn's Chess Opening
2. Naiditsch - Marshall Matters
3. Neil McDonald - Master Class - Typical Mistakes
4. Neil McDonald - Mastering Chess Tactics
5. Neil McDonald - Starting Out - 1.e4! - A Reliable Repertoire for the Improving Player
6. Neil McDonald - The Art of Planning in Chess Move by Move
7. Neil McDonald & Andrew Harley - Mastering the French
8. Neil McDonald - Starting Out - 1.e4 - A Reliable Repertoire for the Improving Player
9. Neishtadt - Test Your Tactical Ability
10. Neishtadt, Yakov - Catastrophe in the Opening
11. Nesis Khalifman - Tactics in the French Defence 2000 Russian
12. New in Chess Magazine 2005-03 (without pictures)
13. New in Chess Magazine 2005 01 (without pictures)
14. New in Chess Magazine Nr 8 (1988) with.pictures
15. Newborn, Monroe - Computer Chess
16. NIC Yearbook 81
17. Nick De Firmian Modern Chess Openings
18. Nielson-Mcshane - grunfeld
19. Nigel Davies - The Dynamic Reti
20. Nigel Davies - The Trompowsky
21. Nigel Povah - How to Play the English Opening (2nd edition)
22. Nijboer - Trompowsky - Central Play or Blockade
23. Nikolai Krylenko (ed.) - 2nd International Chess Tournament Moscow 1935
24. Nimzowitsch - Hypermodern Chess
25. Nimzowitsch- Chess Praxis
26. Nimzowitsch,.Aron].My.System.(21st.century.ed)
27. Norwood, David - Winning With the Modern
28. Nunn - Beating the Sicilian
29. Nunn - New Ideas in the Four Knights
30. Nunn, John - Tactical Chess Endings
Colección 28
1. Purdy - Action chess - Opening repertoire
2. O'Connell & Adams - The Games of Anatoly Karpov
3. One hundred chess problems [Pearson, 1883]
4. Openings - After 1.e4!
5. Openings for Progressive Players
6. Orlov - Mexican Defense - Black knights tango
7. Otto Borik - Kasparov's Chess Openings - A World Champion's Repertoire
8. P. H Clarke - Tigran Petrosian - Master of Defence - Petrosian's Best Games 1946-63
9. P. N. Humble - Marcel Duchamp - Chess Aesthete and Anartist Unreconciled
10. Paata Gaprindashvili - Imagination in Chess
11. Pachman - Modern Chess Stategy
12. Pachman, Ludek - Chess endings for the practical player
13. Pafu - The Center Game
14. Pal Benko & Burt Hochberg - Winning with Chess Psychology
15. Palatnik & Alburt - Chess Tactics for the Tournament Player
16. Palliser - Play 1.d4!
17. Pandolfin - More Chessercizes - Checkmate!
18. Pandolfini - Chessercizes
19. Pandolfini - Kasparov and Deep Blue
20. Pandolfini - The Winning Way
21. Pandolfini B - The Q & A way in chess (2005)
22. Pandolfini, Bruce - Bobby Fischer's Outrageous Chess Moves
23. Parr - World Champions from Philidor to Spassky
24. Patrick Wolff - The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess (2nd edition)
25. paulmorphyhislat00buckiala
26. Pein - Brains in Bahrain 2002 (Kramnik vs Deep Fritz)
27. Pein - Linares 2004
28. Perfect Your Chess - A Volokitin & V Grabinsky
29. Petrosian - Shahmatnye lekcii (1989)
30. Petrosian - Strategia nadejnosti
31. Philidor - Analysis of the Game of Chess (1790)
32. Philip W. Sergeant - Morphy's Games of Chess
33. Pierce - English Chess Problems
34. Plaskett - Could you be a Tactical Chess Genius
35. Polgar S - Chess tactics for Champions 2006
36. Polugayevsky-grandmaster Achievement
37. Ponentz - 40 Instructional Chess Games
Colección 29
1. Rolf Schwarz - Wolga-Benko-Gambit 2nd edition German
2. Ron Curry - Win at Chess
3. Queen's Indian Defense, Understanding the Chess Opening (Soltis et al)
4. Raymond Keene - Aron Nimzowitsch - Master of Planning
5. Raymond Keene - Karpov-Korchnoi 1978 - Parapsychology, Gurus and the KGB
6. Raymond Keene - Winning with the Nimzo-Indian
7. Raymond Keene & Byron Jacobs - The Complete King's Indian
8. Reinfeld - Attack & Counter-Attack in Chess
9. Reinfeld - Chess for Amateurs
10. Reinfeld - Chess Mastery
11. Reinfeld - Hypermodern Chess
12. Reinfeld - Keres' Best Games of Chess 1931-1948
13. Reinfeld - Tarrasch's Best Games of Chess
14. Reinfeld F Chernev I - Chess Strategies and Tactics
15. Reinfeld F. Fine R. - Alekhine vs. Bogoljubow 1934
16. Reinfeld Fine - Lasker's Greatest Chess Games 1889-1914 (1935)
17. Reinfeld Fred - Chess by Yourself(1)
18. Reinfeld Fred - Chess Mastery
19. Reinfeld Fred - Reinfeld on the End-game of Chess
20. Reinfeld, Fred - Keres' Best Games of Chess 1931-1948
21. Remke Kruk et al. - Queen's Move - Women and Chess through the Ages (Dutch-English)
22. Renaud & Kahn - The Art of the Checkmate
23. Reshevsky - Great Chess Upsets
24. Reshevsky - The Art of Positional Play
25. Reti - Masters Of The Chessboard
26. Reti Modern ideas in chess
27. Reuben Fine - The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings (algebraic, Dendix)
28. Reuben Fine, Practical Chess Openings
29. Richard Reti & Harry Golombek - Reti's Best Games of Chess
30. Riff-Hennemann, Mulhouse ch 2002
31. Robert Bellin & Pietro Ponzetto - Mastering the King's Indian Defense
32. Robert Bellin & Pietro Ponzetto - Mastering the Modern Benoni & Benko Gambit
33. Robert G. Wade & Antonias Gkountintas - Trends in the Advance French, Vol. 2
34. Robert Bellin Pietro Ponzetto - Mastering the King s Indian Defense
35. Robert Bellin Pietro Ponzetto - Mastering the Modern Benoni Benko Gambit
36. Robert Bellin Pietro Ponzetto - Mastering the Modern Benoni Benko Gambit 2
37. Robert G. Wade Antonias Gkountintas - Trends in the Advance French Vol. 2
Colección 30
1. Svetozar Gligoric - Play the Nimzo-Indian Defence
2. Sadler - Queen's Gambit Declined (2000)(177s)(Chessbook)
3. Sam Collins - An Attacking Repertoire for White
4. Sarratt 1817 - The Works of Gianutio and Gustavus Sele
5. Savinov - 2004 Russian Chess Championship Superfinal
6. Schach Chess Fromsgambit
7. Schach Chess Siz-Gambit
8. Schiller - The Ultimate Tarrasch Defense
9. School of Chess Excellence Vol 1 - Endgame Analysis by M Dvoretsky
10. School of Chess Excellence Vol 2 - Tactical Play by M Dvoretsky
11. School of Chess Excellence Vol 3 - Strategic Play by M Dvoretsky
12. School of Chess Excellence Vol 4 - Opening Developments by M Dvoretsky
13. School of Chess Excellence Vol 5 - Attack And Defence by M Dvoretsky
14. Selby Anderson - Center Counter Defense The Portuguese Variation (1997)
15. Shamkovich & Schiller - Kasparov's Opening Repertoire
16. Shamkovich - Nezhmetdinov 1961
17. Shereshevsky - Endgame Strategy
18. Shirov-Ljubo, Monte Carlo 2003
19. Silman - The Amateur's Mind
20. SILMAN- Reassess.Your.Chess.Workbook(2001)(CLEAN-UP)
21. Smith & Hall - Modern Art of Attack
22. Smyslov - Smyslov's Best Games Volume I - 1935-1957
23. Soltis - Pawn Structure Chess
24. Soltis A. et al. - Understanding the Chess Openings - Queen's Indian Defense
25. Sosonko - Vaganian, the Reliable Past
26. Speelman - Analysing the Endgame (2nd edition)
27. Springer.Verlag.G.Fishman.(1997).Monte.Carlo.Methods.Concepts.and.Applications
28. Staunton - The Chess Players Companion
29. Staunton - The Chess Players Hand Book
30. Staunton - The Chess Player's Text-Book
31. Steffen Pedersen - The Meran System
32. Steve Giddins - 101 Chess Endgame Tips - Golden Nuggets of Endgame Wisdom
33. Steve Mayer - Bishop versus Knight - The Verdict
34. Stubbs -Problem Solving Tourney 1888
35. Stubs - Canadian Chess Problems (1890)
36. Suba - Dynamic Chess Strategy
37. Suetin, Alexey S. - Laboratory of the chess player [RUS]
38. Survive & beat annoying chess openings [excerpt] - E. Schiller & J. Watson
39. Sveinsson - Sicilian Labourdonnais-Loewenthal Variation
40. Svetozar Gligoric - Fischer v Spassky 1972 - The Chess Match of the Century
Colección 31
1. Tim Harding, Janis Vitomskis & Martin Bennedik - The Total Marshall
2. Timman - Secret Matches - Botvinnik's Unknown Training Games
3. Timothy Taylor - How to Defeat the Smith-Morra Gambit - 6... a6!
4. Tisdall J. - Improve Your Chess Now
5. Troitzky - 360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames
6. Tseitlin, Mikhail & Glazkov, Igor - The Complete Vienna
7. Tactics by IM Nikolay Minev - Modern Benoni 1
8. Taimanov - Taimanov's Selected Games
9. Taimanov Mark - Winning with the Sicilian
10. Tal - Tal - Botvinnik, 1960
11. Tal Botvinnik Part 2
12. Tarrasch - The Game of Chess
13. Tartakower & Du Mont - 500 Master Games of Chess
14. Taulbut - How To Play The French Defence
15. Taverner - Chess Problems Made Easy
16. The Book of The Hastings International Masters' Chess Tournament 1922 (with game annotations by Alekhine)
17. The Chess Games of Anderssen
18. The chess player [George Walker, 1841]
19. The Chess Player's Chronicle, New Series, Vol. 1 (1853, ed. by Howard Staunton)
20. The Chess Player's Chronicle, New Series, Vol. 2 (1854)
21. The Chess Player's Chronicle, New Series, Vol. 3 (1855)
22. The Chess Player's Chronicle, New Series, Vol. 4 (1856)
23. The Chess Player's Chronicle, Vol. 3 (1843)
24. The Chess Player's Chronicle, Vol. 4 (1843)
25. The Chess Player's Chronicle, Vol. 8 (1847)
26. The Chess Review 1934
27. The Chess Review 1938
28. The Chess Review 1939
29. The Grand Tactics Of Chess BRUTTO
30. The Greatest Chess Player of All Time
31. The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings - Fine, R - 1943, 2nd Ed 1948
32. The Instructor 01 - Candidate Moves - Dvoretsky
33. The Instructor 02 - Battle of the Heavy Pieces - Dvoretsky
34. The Instructor 03 - Dvoretsky on Berliner - Dvoretsky
35. The Instructor 03 - Dvoretsky On Berliner - Dvoretsky - Chess
36. The Instructor 04 - Irrational Complicaitons - Dvoretsky
37. The Instructor 05 - Averbakh - Dvoretsky
38. The Instructor 06 - The Value of Elementary Endgame Knowledg
39. The Instructor 07 - Blockading Passed Pawns - Dvoretsky
40. The Magic of Chess Tactics by Claus Dieter Meyer and Karsten Mueller
41. The major tactics of chess [Franklin Young, 1898]
42. The modern chess instructor [Wilhelm Steinitz, 1889]
43. The Power Chess Program - Davies
44. The principles of chess in theory & practice [James Mason, 1894]
45. The Week-End Problems Book [1932] Chess Section [Hubert Phillips]
46. The Art of Chess
47. The Book of the Sixth American Chess Con
48. The Chess player s Handbook
49. The Chess Tournament
50. The Exploits and Triumphs in Europe of
51. The Grand Tactics of Chess
52. Thursby-75 Chess problems
53. Tibor Florian - Defence and Counter-Attack
54. Tiger Hillarp Persson - Tiger's Modern
55. Tim Harding - Colle, London and Blackmar-Diemer Systems
56. Tim Harding et al. - Why You Lose at Chess
Colección 32
1. Znosko Borovsky Eugene A - Middle Game in Chess(2)
2. Znosko-Borovsky Eugene - How to Play the Chess Openings 2nd Ed(1)
3. Uhlmann Winning With The French
4. Unorthodox Openings Newsletter No.11
5. V. Smyslov, M. Tal, L. Yudasin, V. Tukmakov - Bobby Fischer 1 (1955-1960)
6. V. Smyslov, M. Tal, L. Yudasin, V. Tukmakov - Bobby Fischer 2 (1961-1967)
7. V. Smyslov, M. Tal, L. Yudasin, V. Tukmakov - Bobby Fischer 3 (1968-1992)
8. Valeri Beim - How to Calculate Chess Tactics
9. Valeri Beim - Understanding the Leningrad Dutch
10. Vasiukov-Van Wely 2002
11. Vassily Smyslov - My Best Games of Chess, Vol. 1 - 1935-1957
12. Viktor Korchnoi - 400 Best Games
13. Viktor Korchnoi - Chess Is My Life - Autobiography and Games
14. Vladimir Vukovic - The Art of Attack in Chess (cleaned-up, new diagrams)
15. W. H. K. Pollock - Pollock Memories - A Collection of Chess Games, Problems etc. (1899)
16. W. Lewis - Chess Problems (1827)
17. Wade & O'Connell (eds.) - The Games of Robert J. Fischer
18. Walker 1832 - A new treatise on chess
19. Walker 1832 - The celebrated analysis of the game of c
20. Walter Korn - The Brilliant Touch in Chess - 240 Fascinating Positions Commented On
21. Wall - Off the Wall Chess Trivia
22. Wallis - 777 Chess Puzzles
23. Ward - Starting out - The Nimzo-Indian (excerpts)
24. Ward - Improve Your Opening Play (EVERYMAN)
25. Watson - Chess Strategy in Action
26. Watson et al. - US Championships 2005
27. Watson john-The French Dazzle Your Opponents
28. Weeramantry, Sunil - Best Lessons of a Chess Coach
29. Wenman - One hundred and seventy five chess brilliancies
30. Wenman P. - 175 Chess Brilliancies
31. Wilhelm Steinitz - Chess Match between Steinitz & Blackburne (1876)
32. Wilhelm Steinitz - The Modern Chess Instructor (1889)
33. Wilhelm Steinitz (ed.) - The Book of the Sixth American Chess Congress 1889 (1891)
34. Wilson & Alberston - 303 Tricky Chess Tactics
35. Willem Hajenius & Herman van Riemsdijk - The Final Countdown
36. William Lewis - Chess for Beginners (1835)
37. Williams - Improve Your Attacking Chess
38. Winning Chess Brilliancies
39. Winter - Chess Notes
40. Winter William - Chess For Match Players
41. Winter, Edward - Chess Notes 3015-3061
42. Yakov Estrin - Gambits
43. Yakov Neishtadt - Queen's Gambit Accepted
44. Yasser Seirawan - Winning Chess Brilliancies
45. Yasser Seirawan & Jeremy Silman - Winning Chess Tactics
46. Yasser.Seirawan.-.Winning.Chess.Openings
47. Young F. Howell E. - The Minor Tactics of Chess
48. Yuri Averbakh - Comprehensive Chess Endings 2 - Bishop vs Knight, Rook vs Minor Pieces
49. Yuri Averbakh - Chess Endings - Essential Knowledge
50. Yuri Averbakh & I. Maizelis - Comprehensive Chess Endings 4 - Pawn Endings
51. Yuri Averbakh & N. Kopaev - Comprehensive Chess Endings 5 - Rook Endings
52. Yuri Averbakh & V. Chekhover - Comprehensive Chess Endings 1 - Bishop & Knight Endings 53. Yuri Yakovich - The Complete Sveshnikov Sicilian
54. Zahn - 700 Chess Problems
55. Zeuthen - Modern Benoni - Survey of a Structure
9 comentarios:
He llegado a la siguiente conclusión: para poder revisar todo esta cantidad de material de ajedrez que he bajado de esta página, voy a necesitar volver a nacer, gracias por tantos aportes.
Heredia, Costa Rica.
Ademas aprender ingles, no hay una gran coleccion pero en Castellano
Just one word for all this treasures:WOOOOW!!!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart
Gracias por tremendos aportes. Es mucho y variado el material.Para todos los gustos e idiomas.
No importa el idioma, el ajedrez es universal, puedes reproducir cualquier partida en cualquier idioma, eso es lo maravilloso de este juego.
Heredia, Costa Rïca.
Solo dos palabras: IM-PRESIONANTE.
¡Fantástica colección!
Muchísimas gracias por compartirla :)
voy a tener q aprender ingles :)
Antes de todo muchisimas gracias por compartir esta maravilla de coleccion, recien llego y los links de las colecciones 2 - 3 - 5 - 10 y 17 no funcionan, te agradeceria si los puedes volver a subir
Un abrazo
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